Modify Configurations

This allows you to point to different versions of your web chat, different agents, or a different runtime if you are on a private cloud environment

Customization & Configuration

As you can see in the default snippet code available in your Web Chat agent's integration page, we use the chat.load() function to load a agent by setting the project ID, the runtime URL and a version ID.

Below is an example of the default code snippet.{
  verify: {
    projectID: "<ID>"
  url: "",
  versionID: "production"

You can add additional settings on top of the above configuration to further customize the Web Chat experience for your users.

Pass a versionID value or alias (optional)

By default, versionID is set to development but if you use the code snippet in the Web Chat integration page, this is set to production. You can also use this to force a specific agent's projectID.

Setting versionID to development is useful when you want to test a dev version of your agent or make changes to your Voiceflow project without impacting your actual agent on production. To see any changes you make in the Creator Tool in your Web Chat widget, click the "Run" button or use the R keyboard shortcut in the Creator Tool so the updates get populated.

Note: If the versionID is set to production before you publish your agent, the Web Chat widget will not render any system messages.

* [optional] the versionID of your agent, defaults to 'development'
* can be a 'development' or 'production' alias or a specific versionID

versionID: "string"

Pass a url (required for Private Cloud customers)

The url setting is for Enterprises on Private Clouds as they need to use their dedicated runtime endpoint.

* [optional] voiceflow dialog management runtime endpoint
* defaults to

url: "string"